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Gathering with Joy

Writer's picture: LindaLinda

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

On Saturday, September 26, 2020 the Blessed Trinity OCDS community gathered at Our Lady, Star of the Sea parish in Bremerton for our first in-person meeting since February. Thirty members took part in a business meeting, followed by a special presentation on our website development. We prayed the rosary together before breaking for lunch and some social time, joyfully embracing the time to be together again.

Fraternal communion, as a Secular Carmelite, is a willingness to participate in a communion of love with the Most Holy Trinity. The local community is a visible sign of the Church and of the Order, and is a place to live and promote personal and communal fellowship with God in Christ and in the Spirit and with brothers and sisters in accordance with the Teresian charism. The person of Christ is at the center of the Community. Members meet regularly in his name, seeking to live in accordance with the unity requested by Jesus and his commandment to love as He loves them. Members promise to strive for evangelical perfection in the spirit of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience, of the Beatitudes, and of the Christian virtues. They become aware that this reality of communion is an integral part of Carmelite spirituality. [OCDS Constitutions, IIIB]

A person who wishes to be a member of the OCDS must be able to form community, be a part of a group that is dedicated to a common goal, show interest in the other members, be supportive in the pursuit of a life of prayer, and be able to receive the support of others. [Father Aloysius Deeney, OCD in Testing and Discerning a Vocation to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites]

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