The primary charism of the Teresian Carmel is prayer. Its mission is the sharing of Teresian Carmelite spirituality. The Carmelite Secular is called to live and witness to the charism of the Teresian Carmel in the local church. The spirituality of Carmel will awaken in Secular Carmelites a desire for greater apostolic commitment, in becoming aware of all that their call to Carmel implies. As a fruit of this participation in evangelization, Carmelite Seculars will share a renewed taste for prayer, contemplation and the liturgical and sacramental life. For these reasons, each one will have an apostolate either individually or collaborating with others in the Community/Group. [OCDS Statutes, Sec. II: The Apostolate; Constitutions #25]
The Blessed Trinity OCDS Community chose, as a group, to support in prayer and works the Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conference, especially in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
In addition, the Community developed our website as a means of providing information to a wider audience that may desire further knowledge of the Carmelite Order and the vocation of a Secular Carmelite. The distribution of pamphlets on St. Teresa of Avila’s Prayer of Recollection to our home parishes furthers our wish to introduce others to this intimate sharing with the Lord who resides within us.
Many of our members also have individual apostolates, as shown in the two listed here:

Sandy, wife, mother, and Secular Carmelite, volunteers regularly at Pregnancy Aid in Tacoma, which provides free baby/toddler items, diapers, formula, food, clothing - including women’s maternity, newborn, and children’s up to the age of five - reminiscent of Acts 4:32 wherein families shared in life. Clients give if they can and receive assistance every two months.
Pregnancy Aid of Pierce County rents from the Urban Grace Church in downtown Tacoma, 902 Market Street and it is open most Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10-1:30 pm, but they ask that people call ahead for any possible closures (253) 383-4100. Look for the sidewalk sign near the side door of Urban Grace Church on Market Street. This is one of many life-affirming Pregnancy Aid locations in Washington with their mission statement: Pregnancy Aid serves the well-being of families with children in and beyond the womb by providing material and emotional support.

Deborah, wife, mother, pediatrician, and Secular Carmelite, actively serves in the Maria Goretti Network for those affected by abuse. Their sole interest is in helping our brothers and sisters experience healing in God’s Love. At the local level peer support is provided through regular meetings and through prayer. All those affected by abuse need love and support. For information in the local Puget Sound area, contact her at debbie@mgoretti.org.
Sandy and Deborah have made a life-long promise as a Secular Carmelite to live the spirit of the beatitudes, which are a plan of action for life and a way to enter into relationship with the world, neighbors, and co-workers, families, and friends. By promising to live the beatitudes in daily life, they seek to give evangelical witness as a member of the Church and the Carmelite Order, and by this witness invite the world to follow Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Jn 14:6).